YOGA Classes and workshops coming soon! Keep checking for updates!

HELLO ALL! - Exciting news here at Five Elements Yoga & Wellness!!!

Tuesday 10:00 - 11:00AM

**Chair Yoga with Mary Jane Cerone (full description below


Chair/Gentle Mat Yoga with Mary Jane

(Tuesday 10-11am)

Chair yoga is exercise anyone can benefit from. All of our poses can be practiced in a chair or for those who prefer to stand, that is an option, using the chair for balance. Stretches will be used to increase the spaces in the joints, especially the spine. We will work on posture, flxibility, balance, muscle strength and focus. Yoga has been scientifically proven to help with these issues as well as stress-management and lowering blood pressure.

Location: Five Elements Yoga and Wellness, 42 S. Main Street by Tony's Pizza, off-street parking next to building. Enter through the back corridor.

Questions, or to register, my contact info is below.



Eileen Arenz Cuce HHC AADP CN
